Some weeks it just doesn’t pay to leave the house. As K and I were getting ready for bed last night she noticed that the bathroom window was broken. Being a wildlife rehabilitator, her first thought was that some bird (maybe a hawk) had smashed into the window. I went out to check. Nope – someone had removed the screen and smashed the window with some junk they found on the deck.
It seems they broke the window in order to unlock it and sneak in to the house that way. Fortunately, they didn’t succeed. In breaking the window, they knocked the window lock latch off and couldn’t unlock the window. They tried prying it up (first?) but failed there too. I’m guessing between the frustration and the dogs barking like mad, they gave up.
We called the cops and filed a report.
What I don’t understand is why the window. Sure, the doors have alarm company stickers on them since the house has an alarm system, but why would they assume the window wasn’t alarmed? If they had managed to open the window, it would have set off the alarm.
This is the second break-in or attempt in my neighborhood recently. With the number of gun owners out here, if the person(s?) keep it up, they’re going to wind up shot.
While I’m happy they didn’t get in, I’m still pretty annoyed and upset by the whole thing.