Alkahest my heroes have always died at the end

July 28, 2009

Palins resignation speech

Filed under: Funny,Political — cec @ 11:39 am

I haven’t paid much attention to Sarah Palin in the year since I first heard of her.  Okay, periodically I’ve laughed at her.  And Palin As President was pretty funny.  But last night I was commenting to K that this line from her resignation speech was pure Zen:

“In the winter time it’s the frozen road that is competing with the view of ice fogged frigid beauty, the cold though, doesn’t it split the Cheechakos from the Sourdoughs?”

Apparently, I wasn’t the only one impressed by the end of the speech.  This is just beautiful:

July 20, 2009

the importance of verifying backups

Filed under: Personal,Technical — cec @ 10:58 pm

I was using my personal laptop at a meeting yesterday and grabbed about a gig of files from someone’s usb key.  While I was taking minutes, I noticed a lovely new icon that popped up… your hard disk drive is failing.  Eeek!  Not cool.  So, last night I got home and started backing up my files.  A few of the new files and a couple unimportant old files didn’t transfer properly.   Fine, I could live without them.

Today, I bought a replacement drive.  When I got home, I wanted to record the diffs from last night to today (quite a few since I uncompressed a lot of that gig’s worth of files).  As I started that up, I received a lot of notices about the *backup* disk failing.  I tried fixing it, but no luck.  Found a new backup disk.  Re-backed up 30 gigabytes worth of data.  Verified that and installed the new drive.  Things worked pretty well.  I installed Fedora 11 for the second time in two weeks, restored all my personal files and now I’m updating the system.

I’m just glad I verified the backup prior to doing this – it would have been annoying

July 9, 2009

Back from Galts Gulch

Filed under: Personal,Wildlife Rehab — cec @ 11:22 am

Yes, because I’m a mighty industrialist (aka Ubermensch) and the world will fall down if I stop writing. ;-)  Okay, enough picking on the Randians.  Sorry for the radio silence.  A quick update:

I got back from Des Moines last month and the next day had a board meeting for the non-profit I work with.  As treasurer, I went to review the financial situation based on the projections we finally received.  Sure enough, the detailed projections were in line with the back-of-a-napkin ones that I had presented earlier, i.e., dire.  The only real solution was to close a significant portion of our operations, which we did.  Unfortunately, that was also the part of operations that K cares most about.

So for the past three weeks, I’ve been working with some other folks, including another board member who resigned after closing operations, to form a new non-profit.  It’s been a little hush-hush, but we did go public today.  We’ve sent out a press release, have a web site, are doing the twitter thing, and even have a facebook page.  Yes, the last two make me feel dirty, but what the hell.

My part’s been largely working the administrative angles with K.  I’m the Board Secretary, so I’ve filed the incorporation paperwork and will be sending off the IRS Form 1023 this weekend in order to get our official tax-exempt status.  We got word yesterday that we were incorporated on July 7th!  (BTW, it’s very cool that information goes online at the NC Secretary of State faster than it goes out in snail mail.)

My colleagues are working with their friends on the branding, etc.  Hopefully we’ll be announcing a coming out party soon.

So, you see, I wasn’t really hangin’ with Galt – I’ve just been working on things I couldn’t be public about until now 🙂

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