Alkahest my heroes have always died at the end

November 5, 2007

It’s bicycle^Wlight fixture repair man!

Filed under: Personal — cec @ 10:58 pm

Ok, maybe not as exciting as bicycle repair man, but we did spend some quality time this evening with light fixtures. For reasons that neither K nor I can fathom, the breakfast room had a fan attached to a nondescript light fixture. K found a new fixture in the pottery barn catalog and it fits pretty well with the house.

Since I didn’t have much else to do this evening, I installed it. Pictures below. The first two are the original fixture: when we first moved in (3 years ago) and the fixture on the floor after removal. The next two are the new fixture.

img_1223_m.jpg dsc_2024.jpg dsc_2021.jpg dsc_2022.jpg

Now we just need to get rid of the popcorn ceiling…

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