The ISP move went reasonably well. There were a couple of minor glitches. One was a character set problem when I tried to take the most recent database snapshot from Linksky. I’m not entirely certain what happened, but I wound up with extra characters after some punctuation marks. Rather than spend too much time with it, I just grabbed the latest post and dumped it into the Dreamhost site and changed the time.
The other was a cute problem with my email. I had done a major synchronization between the two mail systems a day or so before, so all I had to do on moving day was a periodic sync of the Inbox. Unfortunately, in playing on Dreamhost’s control panel, I managed to delete my mailbox.  So I had to do another major synchronization and I lost any mail that arrived on Dreamhost only. Fortunately, there was only one thing that was important and I could ask the sender to resend.
I think I’m all set now. We’ll see how things go over the next day or two now that DNS *should* have settled out.