It’s been about a week and a half since the attempted break-in.
On Tuesday, I replaced the window they broke out. I called around to a couple of different places and everyone said that they could send someone out to give an estimate, but it would take a few days and then the part would be on order for another 3-5 days. Fortunately, on local glass shop said that if I brought them the sill in the morning, they would be able to replace the glass that afternoon. So I spent the morning taking apart the window. It turned out to be easier than I thought, but I did have to take off the lower sill to get to the upper.
I got the sill to the glass shop and they managed to replace the glass by the 5:15. I brought it hope and replaced the window in just a half hour or so. Yay!
Today I found out that the same morning someone was broken into down the street on the same day as our attempted break-in and in the same way. For a variety of reasons, they suspect contractors at the two construction sites in the neighborhood. They’re chasing down the details of who was on site, etc. Hopefully they can track down enough information to identify the burglars.