Alkahest my heroes have always died at the end

October 2, 2006

Gumbo Recipe

Filed under: Personal — cec @ 9:09 pm

For HeatherS…

First you make a roux [1]:

  • ~1/2 cup oil
  • ~1/2 cup flour

Mix the flour and oil into a large pot and turn the heat on low to medium, depending on how often you want to stir. Stir while on heat until a dark brown.

While the roux is browning, finely chop:

  • one onion
  • a couple of stalks of celery
  • 1/2 bell pepper

You can use a cuisinart, but don’t puree the trinity (inside Louisiana joke). Once the roux is dark brown, add the vegetable mixture and stir for about a minute. Then add:

  • ~6 cups of stock (vegetable, chicken, turkey, beef, etc.)

While bringing stock and vegetables to a boil, slice (1/4 inch width):

  • 1-2 cups of okra (to taste)

Add okra to stock and prepare meat (or meat substitute 🙂 ). Cut into bite size chunks, 3 or 4 cups of:

  • Chicken; or
  • Quorn; or
  • Turkey; *and*
  • Suasage; or
  • Boca Suasage

You can also add shrimp or crawfish or crab or pretty much whatever you want (nutria anyone?). If necessary, mix the meat in flour to prevent sticking. Brown the meat in a separate skillet and season – we tend to use SeasonAll, but anything else will work.

Add the browned meat to the stock. Add a little worcheshire sauce and if you have it some browning sauce. Simmer for a couple of hours and serve over rice.

[1] I read a cookbook once that advised using a half a cup of peanut butter instead of making a roux. This is evil and wrong. If you ever see this, please leave a note for the next person warning him/her not to trust the cookbook.


  1. You put OIL in a ROUX????? You heathen!
    I mean, you, you, you…

    Comment by Bryn — October 13, 2006 @ 4:03 pm

  2. i do. i suppose technically i should use lard, but my arteries would never forgive me and it’s hard to make vegetarian anything with lard in it. i’ve been known to throw in a little butter, but you’ve got to be even more careful that it doesn’t burn.

    Comment by cec — October 13, 2006 @ 4:11 pm

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