Alkahest my heroes have always died at the end

February 2, 2009

such a dork

Filed under: Personal — cec @ 9:02 pm

So K just asks me if it’s raining.  My response was to go online instead of going outside.

I’m such a

January 26, 2009

Snow pictures

Filed under: Gallery,Personal,Photography — cec @ 4:39 pm

Last week (on Inauguration Day no less), we got about 7″ of snow out at the house.  I just uploaded the pictures this morning.  Some of my favorites are below, the rest are in the gallery.


If nothing else, the dogs sure did seem to enjoy the snow.  🙂


Filed under: Political,Social — cec @ 9:42 am

Can anyone please explain to me, what the hell is John Boener doing on my TV and in my newspapers talking about the stimulus plan?  For 8 years, we liberal types were told that “elections had consequences” and that we should STFU and clap louder.  Fine, now that republicans have been repudiated in a full election cycle, suffering major losses in both 2006 and 2008 after running on the same policies that they now advocate will save us from the mess that their policies got us into, will they please STFU?

I have no problems listening to republicans.  Hell, if I want moral advice, who better to turn to than a bunch of public bathroom sex soliciting, diaper wearing, drug using pedophiles?  At the very least, it’s good for a laugh.  But policy?  Why the hell would I listen to them about policy?  “OMG, John McCain has said he opposes the stimulus plan.”  Really?!  Why do I care?  He ran on a platform oppossing the types of stimulus being proposed.  It would have been shocking if he didn’t oppose it – the mother of all flip-flops if you will.

At the end of the day, Obama won the election in large part by proposing to do exactly what he’s doing.  Provide a massive stimulus plan to get the economy out of the mess that it’s in.  Voters expected that the plan would be based in a reality (which means that the magical tax cutting fairy isn’t going to somehow increase government revenues).  So what do we have?  We’ve got a plan that emphasizes infrastructure building, money for states and extended unemployment benefits.  Hrm, I wonder how that stacks up against tax cuts as a way of stimulating the economy?

Well, as it so happens, we have a way of measuring these things.  Mark Zandi at Moody’s recently evaluated a number of different stimulus measures and determined their effectiveness in stimulating the economy per dollar spent.  The EPI put this into a wonderful graph:

What we see here is that the tax cuts most favored by republicans are also the least effective.  There are some forms of tax cuts that provide moderate stimulus (i.e., greater than $1 of stimulus for each $1 spent), but that the best ways to stimulate the economy are food stamps, unemployment benefits, infrastructure spending and aid to states.  Not surprisingly, these are the forms of stimulus that are most likely to be spent.  If you gave me $500 in tax cuts, I’ll save it; net stimulus: $0.  If you ensure that a family can eat by providing an additional $500 in food stamp aid, I guarantee that it will be spent at a grocery store and provide more economic stimulus than the original $500 expenditure.

All of which is a long winded way of telling the republicans to please shut up and let sane people clean up the mess they’ve made of the country.

January 20, 2009

Happy inauguration day!

Filed under: Personal,Political — cec @ 12:00 pm

It’s noon – congratulations to President Obama!!

January 19, 2009

life in the south

Filed under: Personal — cec @ 9:52 pm

It looks like we’re going to get our first real snowfall in about five years.  “Real” if you count 2-4 inches, which I do since K and I are from Louisiana.

Unfortunately, while I was grocery shopping this weekend, I forgot a few things and needed to go pick ’em up on my way home from work.  Even more unfortunately, among the things I forgot were a quart of milk for tea at the office and a dozen eggs.  So there I am, the evening before the snow falls buying milk and eggs.  Hell, if I had forgotten bread this weekend I would have hit the Southern snowfall French Toast

January 12, 2009

told ya so

Filed under: Political — cec @ 6:47 pm

A couple of weeks ago at a Geek Beer, we were discussing Roland Burris and the likelihood of him being seated by the senate.  My take was that of course he would be seated.  No one has ever paid a price for going against Harry Reid.

Told ya so.

front yard birding

Filed under: Gallery,Photography — cec @ 11:06 am

Using a bit of leftover birthday money, I bought some new camera equipment.  Nothing particularly sexy like a big long lens (what do you mean by homoerotic?).  I bought a set of carbon fiber tripod legs that weigh about 3 pounds instead of the 6 pounds of my old tripod legs – that should make hiking easier.  They can also hold more weight which is good since my biggest lens tops out what you should put on the old legs.  I also bought a new tripod head.  Instead of a ball head (ahem), I got a gimbal head that balances the weight of the camera so that you can easily point it anywhere and it stays put.  Moreover, the new head is far more stable than the old one when using long lenses.

All of the nerdiness aside, the real proof is in the pictures.  I took the camera outside over the weekend and put it on the new tripod to try to get some interesting bird pictures.   Thoughts?


The first is a junco – I took the picture with a 500mm lens with a doubler.  That combined with the camera’s internal 1.5x magnifier gives me 1500mm equivalent.  I could not have gotten this shot with my old tripod.

Second – chickadee on the birdfeeder (900mm equivalent)

Third/fourth – sh titmouse on the holly tree and flying off of the tree.

Fifth – unknown (at this time) bird [update: 1/13]  immature yellow-throated warbler

Sixth – yellow-bellied sapsucker

Seventh/eighth – gear 🙂

All in all I’m very happy with the tripod and head.  It’s much stabler than what I’ve been using and has already let me take some shots I couldn’t take before.

December 27, 2008

Blaming the pushers?

Filed under: Social — cec @ 1:45 am

Okay, commenting on global finance is really not my usual shtick, but I’ve got to agree with Barry Ritholtz that there’s something odd in this NY Times article on China’s role in the U.S. housing bubble.  The article describes Ben Bernanke’s 2005 theory that a savings “glut” is driving up the demand for American to borrow from foreign countries.  The article extends the theory to suggest that the financial mess that we are currently in the middle of was, essentially, caused by the Chinese.

Okay, it is true that as a country, we were essentially borrowing money from overseas in order to buy overseas products.  Essentially, borrowing from the Chinese in order to buy their stuff.  The mechanisms were somewhat complicated, home owners typically were borrowing from their homes.  As home prices rose, due to low rates and bubble psychology, people found that they could refinance their homes or take out home equity lines of credit that could then be used, not for home improvements, but for general lifestyle expenses.  Since median incomes have not risen in a decade, this isn’t too surprising.  (As an aside, I was in a conversation last week with someone who claimed that the whole recession could be over if the news would act as a good propaganda arm and declare that it was.  People would start spending and the economy would get moving.  I pointed out that he was wrong because most of the capital financing the economy was borrowed from homes, etc., and that wages hadn’t increased.  In other words, the consumer has no money to restart the economy.  He had to agree that was true.)

So, I agree that China (and other foreign countries) were necessary to the bubble, but does that mean that their “excess” savings caused it as the article implies?  No, there are more than a handful of things wrong with the article:

  1. It takes an uncritical look at the idea there is a savings glut.  I didn’t note any refutations of Bernakne’s thesis.
  2. The article’s URL ends in “26addiction.html” and in a single word, it sums up much of the article.  But this is a sad sort of exculpation for the U.S.  Sticking with the same metaphor, it’s arguing that the a drug dealer is responsible for all of the actions of a junkie and the junkie bears no responsibility.
  3. Switching from the “addiction” metaphore, it’s bad supply-side theory applied to credit.  Okay, it’s true that lower rates will attract more demand from the pool of potential borrowers.  And I’ll buy that having more creditors will drive down rates.  But that’s not what happened here.  In this case, Greenspan artificially held down lending rates through the Federal Reserve.  In other words, it wasn’t a supply-side rate cut driving up demand, it was an artificial rate cut that drove up demand and the Chinese stepped in to meet that demand.
  4. Probably more than anything else, I find the idea that there is a savings “glut” in the rest of the world (particularly China) particularly annoying.  It completely disregards recent history.  Savings imbalance, I’ll believe.  But to suggest that the Chinese are saving too much is completely loony.  At the same time Bernanke was saying that others were saving too much, the U.S. savings rate fell to 0%.  If there’s an imbalance, it’s more likely that the U.S. was to blame for increasing its borrowing.
  5. Finally, there are all sorts of little oddities in the facts and nuance of the article.  For example, there’s a general feel of “red-baiting” to the article. Or that the article notes that the Chinese now hold $2 trillion in U.S. debt, out of the, what, $11 trillion in debt we’re in now?

I do agree with the article that it would be good if China stopped pegging their currency to the dollar.  But I’m not certain how much it would help the problem being discussed here.  It might make us less likely to borrow from the Chinese, but at the same time, I don’t think it would have decreased overall U.S. borrowing.

December 25, 2008

A simple suggestion

Filed under: Social — cec @ 12:40 am

I wonder if the N&O would print this?

Dear Editors,

I have read with some alarm your recent stories describing a dramatic change to our way of life.  Specifically, I refer to those stories of our poor benighted multi-millionaires and billionaires who are having to downgrade their lifestyle in response to the crash of the financial markets and the banking industry.

As we all know, what has made America great over the past 30 years is the increasing increasing income inequality whereby those at the top of the income ladder make an ever increasing amount of money while the median income has stagnated.  Without these top income earners, all motivation and striving goes out of our populous; leaving us a nation of whiners.  And yet, every day, we hear stories of high powered financiers, who had been making millions each year, now contemplating the need to sell that third vacation home in order to make ends meet.

While I salute the republican administration’s efforts to save the wealth of the top 1/10th of a percent through the preservation of the salaries, benefits and bonuses of financial executives while beggaring retired auto workers, I believe that this effort has not been bold enough and that the situation calls for direct action.

Toward this end, I propose that the country establish a registry of multi-millionaires and billionaires in need.  Those making less than $100,000 a year should then be encouraged (by force if need be!) to contribute 10% of their gross earning to support these beleaguered souls who are the backbone of our economy.  This Adopt-a-Billionaire program would have the effect of immediately raising the standard of living for these poor souls, while reducing the incomes of more than 80% of Americans; thus ensuring that the salary inequities which have made this country great will remain in place for the benefit of the next generation.


December 19, 2008

so the stakes aren’t always that small

Filed under: Personal — cec @ 12:04 pm

I’m not certain if I’ve joked about it here or not, but recently I’ve taken to commenting that if academic politics are so petty because the stakes are so small, then what does that say about non-profit politics.  The implication is that non-profit politics are even more petty because the stakes are even smaller.  Well, after a rough couple of weeks with the non-profit I work with, I can confirm that the politics are definitely petty, I’m just no longer certain that the stakes are small.  In one sense, sure – the budget for the non-profit I work with is smaller than any other budget I’ve dealt with in a work situation.  But at the same time, the politics most often affects people’s livelihoods.  It’s one thing to have a layoff due to lack of funds.  It’s another thing for poor management and personal vendettas leading to a firing.

The moral of the story is this: never get involved in a land war in Asia the board of directors for a non-profit.  It’ll steal all of your time, consume all of your money and break your heart in the end.

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