Alkahest my heroes have always died at the end

June 18, 2007

Amish Technology

Filed under: Personal — cec @ 9:09 am

As a member of the IEEE, I participate (loosely) in a a couple of societies: IEEE’s Computer Society and the Society on the Social Implications of Technology (SSIT).  I was reading SSIT’s magazine this weekend and ran across an article on Amish technology (no jokes please).  The article was particularly interesting to me because my grandmother’s mother was a Mennonite and her father was Amish.

While reading the article, I ran into a sentence that caught my eye.  The article noted that Issac Glick in Lancaster County Pennsylvania was the first Amish to use electricity in 1910.  He hooked a generator up to an electric light.  Shortly after that, all of the Amish communities banned the use of electricity except in certain controlled circumstances.  What caught my eye was the name and the place.  My great grandfather was named Glick – in fact, both my father and I have the “Glick nose” (what can I say, it’s somewhat unique 🙂 ).

When I called my parents last night, I spent some time talking to my mother about the Glicks.  It seems that the family legend is that my great grandmother (Minnie Mae Miller) left the Mennonite community to marry my great grandfather who had been expelled from an Amish community in… Lancaster Pennsylvania.  Now I’m wondering if and how I’m related to Issac Glick?

Apparently, there’s a biography about my great grandmother that was published a few years ago.  I need to track down a copy and see if there’s a mention of her in-laws.

June 17, 2007

A mental sigh of relief

Filed under: Personal,Technical — cec @ 9:40 pm

Working in IT, one of the things that is often on my mind is backing up my data. It’s often on my mind, but I seldom do anything about it. A few years ago, K and I bought an external USB drive to which we occasionally sync our desktop. That made me a bit more comfortable, we’re now covered if the drive crashes. Of course, I then started worrying about a fire in the house. Since my external drive is sitting on top of the computer itself, anything that destroys the one will likely destroy the other.

At work, I was recently on the “storage advisory team.” Sounds more grandiose than it was – we were basically a bunch of folks on a death march project to make recommendations for things dealing with data storage. One of the projects we were tasked with was data backup and recovery. None of the outsourced solutions we looked at were going to support linux, but the project did increase my backup anxiety.

Last week, I finally did something about it. I signed up for Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3) and downloaded a copy of s3sync. I took the USB drive up to the office (for the fast networking) and backed everything up to S3. This weekend, I tested the backup service by backing up the home computer – essentially, anything that had changed since last weekend. Overall, it went well. The original upload took maybe 8 hours for 17GB. The updates took about 1 hour, but that is in part because of all the deletion requests needed (I cleaned up quite a bit) and my slow desktop hard drive.

This isn’t something I would have recommended on the storage team, but it’s effective and cheap. Rather than being ~$20/month for 17GB, it cost ~$2.60 to upload the data and will cost ~$2.50/month to store it. Plus, I think I can stop worrying about backups 🙂

June 11, 2007

That’s too cool

Filed under: Technical — cec @ 7:46 pm

Okay, thanks to Jag, I’ve seen the coolest thing ever. The steampunk keyboard + monitor:


Now all I need is a few dozen hours of free time to build my own.

Weekend cooking

Filed under: Cooking,Personal — cec @ 7:34 pm

I made a few things I’ve never made before for dinner last night, including lemon pizza and two kinds of ice cream.

The lemon pizza recipe is from the Wednesday Chef and was mentioned by someone on an IRC channel (etselec? I can’t remember – sorry).  K and I don’t eat salmon roe, so I substituted finely chopped capers.  Overall, it was pretty good, but we didn’t slice the lemons thin enough and they over powered the pizza.  If you’re going to do this, try to get the lemon slices down to about 1mm.

We also made a couple of ice creams.  In general, we like to do different types of ice cream and to try new things.  Strangely enough, we had never made fruit ice creams (chai – yes, cinnamon – yes, fruit – no).  Fortunately, I had picked up a pint of blueberries and a pound of cherries.  So, two different flavors: blueberry and cherry!  They both came out well in their vanilla ice cream base.  Now if I was slightly more adventurous, I would have made the cherry in a chocolate base; and if I was really adventurous, I would have ignored the fruit and made rosemary ice cream as described by a friend last week 🙂

June 3, 2007

Back home

Filed under: Personal,Photography — cec @ 9:41 pm

Sorry I’ve been absent for a bit. I got sick the Sunday before we left on vacation and didn’t even start feeling better until Thursday morning. The we headed out to Yellowstone for two weeks on Saturday.

The vacation was great, although yesterday’s trip home was a nightmare. We got diverted from our connecting airport to Rochester, MN. That meant that we didn’t get to Minneapolis until an hour after our connection was supposed to leave. Fortunately, the connection itself had been diverted to Deluth, so we still beat it by an hour. We did make it home, but rather than the plane landing in NC at 10pm, it didn’t get in until 12:30am. We didn’t get home until after 2am. With getting the dogs from boarding and doing some shopping so that we would be able to eat, I haven’t had a chance to write up much about the vacation.

Fortunately, on the advice of a number of people, I took a digital SLR on the trip this year, so pictures shouldn’t be too long in coming. I just need to get rid of the bad shots and post the good. In the mean time, here’s a nice shot to hold folks over. It’s a pine marten, a relative of the weasel, but darn adorable. We were with a friend who photographs martens (and other wildlife) professionally, and his comment was that this, and a shot he took years ago, are the best marten shots he’s ever seen. 😀


(oh, and for the record, I do want to be Dan Hartman when I grow up 🙂 )

May 10, 2007

Waaaaaa… I want my Velvia 50

Filed under: Personal,Photography — cec @ 6:47 am

K and I are going through the preparations for our trip out to Yellowstone and I was looking into the photography setup. I headed over to B&H, found the circular polarizer for the lens of my new digital camera, then went over to the film section. For a number of reasons, I still think that landscape shots should be taken using slide film, preferably slow slide film, ideally Velvia 50. It does things with greens and browns that make my heart all fluttery (yes, I know this makes me a big photography nerd). But when I got to the slide film section, I couldn’t find Velvia 50. Velvia 100, yes, but no Velvia 50 – it has been discontinued. Now, Velvia 100 is a nice film, but it’s really just not the same as Velvia 50. For landscapes, it’s too fast – I would rather have the slower speed. After all, my digital can imitate 100 speed film, I want something slower. I bought the 100 speed anyway – I still think that slide film is better than digital for landscapes.

There is a happy ending to this. Looking around, it seems that there were a number of other people complaining when Fuji discontinued Velvia 50. So they are planning to restart production. Unfortunately, they are not shipping until July. I guess the lesson for Fuji is that when you are catering to a niche market, you have to accommodate that niche’s strange preferences. 🙂

May 7, 2007


Filed under: Cooking,Personal — cec @ 8:36 pm

Technically, K and I are not vegetarians. We’re pesco-vegetarians: we’ll eat fish and I’ll eat shellfish (K just doesn’t like shellfish 🙂 ). We didn’t become pesco-vegetarians overnight. We started by getting rid of red meat, so no pork, beef, lamb, etc. More recently, we stopped making chicken at home (we seldom eat out) and then stopped eating it at all.

One of the more challenging things about changing your diet is finding food that is interesting and still meets your dietary requirements. While we’ll try new recipes when we find them, we’ve also done a lot with substitutions. This has gotten a lot easier with all of the new meat substitutes that are out there, but even without them, there are still some things you can do.

Tonight, we made Empanadas which are a type of Cuban pocket sandwich. We’ve done the a few ways over the years, including making the dough from scratch, but our basic recipe is even simpler than that. The original recipe was:

  • 8 large canned biscuits – flatened
  • 1/2 # of ground beef or lamb, browned in oil
  • 1/2 cup corn
  • some tomato sauce
  • some shredded cheddar cheese
  • sliced olives (not in the original recipe, but i like them)

You mix the browned beef with the corn, sauce, cheese and olives. Divide into 8 portions, put each portion in the center of a flattened biscuit, fold in half, press together to seal and then bake using the biscuit instructions.

Our first shot at changing the recipe was to use ground chicken instead of turkey.

We later switched to ground fake meat or even veggie hamburgers diced; but tonight, I tried something very different that was quite tasty. Instead of using a meat-like filling, we used spinach:

  • 1 package of frozen spinach (for this recipe, the frozen may be easier than fresh, but not as tasty) defrosted with the extra water squeezed out
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tbsp of butter (we use smart balance)
  • 2-3 oz of (light) cream cheese

To make the filling, you melt the butter over low heat and add the garlic. Saute for a minute or so. Add the spinach, mix thoroughly and heat. After a few minutes, turn off the stove and mix in the cream cheese. Once it cools enough, fill the flattened biscuits and bake.


May 6, 2007

A couple of wildlife rehab notes

Filed under: Personal,Wildlife Rehab — cec @ 8:28 pm
  • We finished the protective boxes we are going to use for cage cameras.  They are pretty basic with hinged tops (where the cameras are mounted) and plexiglass fronts to shoot through.  We’ve mounted them in the cages and run the 300′ of wire back to the house.  K will need to angle them so they point in the right direction, but other than that, we’re done!
  • K also had someone call today who had a cat-mauled bunny.  They’ve dropped it off and K has it set up in a cage upstairs with a heating pad.  Assuming it makes it through the night, we’ll take it up to the clinic tomorrow for antibiotics, etc.


Filed under: Personal — cec @ 8:18 pm

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, a professor from my old department contacted me about some work.  I went to the company, talked to them for a few hours and then later had lunch with the president of the company (whom I’ve known for a while).  Last week we agreed that I would start as a part time consultant and see how it goes.  Thursday and Friday we negotiated salary and tomorrow I’m heading over there.

Interesting times 🙂

May 1, 2007

Periodical cicada

Filed under: Photography — cec @ 9:43 pm

I was taking the dogs out last night and saw a periodical cicada emerging from it’s nymph stage. Kind of cool – definitely an interesting picture:


Now I wonder if I have to worry about my fruit trees :-/

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