Alkahest my heroes have always died at the end

August 8, 2006

Vacation pictures

Filed under: Personal,Photography — cec @ 6:55 pm

The vacation pictures checklist from earlier:

  1. Get 22 rolls of slide film back from the developer [Check – received mid June]
  2. Put 800 slides into transparancy holders so they are easy to look at on the light box [Check – took two nights]
  3. Go through 800 slides to determine which are worth scanning [Check – took another two days]
  4. Scan 120 or so “good” slides [Check – finished tonight after three nights of scanning]
  5. Color correct the images in the GIMP [done]
  6. Remove dust from scans because my slide scanner doesn’t have an infrared channel [done]
  7. Upload the results and put ’em online [finished today]

Everything is done! Pictures online finally. For the record, I’m not thrilled with them. My biggest complaint is that there aren’t really any good animal shots. This is different from prior years. I blame oversleeping.

August 3, 2006

Tracks for getting things done

Filed under: Personal — cec @ 4:50 pm

I read Getting Things Done about a year and a half ago. There’s a lot of good information in there, but frankly keeping all of the lists got to be too much. So I backed off a bit and started keeping lists for some things that came in via email, but that’s about it. Then luis posts about Tracks – a GTD web application. It looked fairly nifty, so I installed it and will give it a shot for awhile.

July 30, 2006

Plumbing issues resolved

Filed under: Personal — cec @ 5:41 pm

Went to the hardware store, couldn’t find the precisely the right single plumbing connector and had to get three separate pieces instead.  Meaning, of course, that I now have twice as many joins and twice as many opportunities to leak.  I put the pieces together, connected them to the filter, and no leaks!

Apparently, plumbing is like my day job.  The solution to most problems is a hardware upgrade.

Too much water in my name?

Filed under: Personal,Plumbing — cec @ 2:05 pm

In graduate school, I had a Chinese friend who used to say that he was destined to have plumbing problems because there was too much water in his name. Both his family name and his given name referenced water. This excess of water meant that he would always have plumbing problems.

I sympathize with this notion. A few years ago, when I moved into my house, I installed a reverse osmosis filter in our kitchen for drinking water. When we came back from vacation, we found that the connection to the water tank was leaking. I spent a bit of time tightening up the connection, but it still leaked. This weekend, I got back to trying to fix it. So far, I’ve been to the hardware store twice, replaced the compression fitting three times and still it leaks. I’m heading to a larger hardware store this afternoon to find a replacement for the entire fitting – we’ll see if that works. If it doesn’t, then I may have to replace the entire tank.

Considering the number of plumbing issues we’ve had in this house so far, I’m starting to wonder if I have too much water in my name too.

July 25, 2006

Run for your lives!

Filed under: Funny,Personal — cec @ 10:56 pm

Run for your lives! This is not a drill. My mother is loose in the blogosphere (hi mom!). To friends of mine noticing random, anonymous comments in their blogs, it’s not my fault – I swear.

That is all. I now return you to your regularly scheduled Internet slack.

July 18, 2006


Filed under: Personal — cec @ 3:46 pm

Took the morning off and went blueberry picking. An hour and a half later and we had about 8 pounds. Perfect for making blueberry pancakes, muffins, etc. Now the only question: “are 5 quarts of blueberries enough?”

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