The vacation pictures checklist from earlier:
- Get 22 rolls of slide film back from the developer [Check – received mid June]
- Put 800 slides into transparancy holders so they are easy to look at on the light box [Check – took two nights]
- Go through 800 slides to determine which are worth scanning [Check – took another two days]
- Scan 120 or so “good†slides [Check – finished tonight after three nights of scanning]
- Color correct the images in the GIMP [done]
- Remove dust from scans because my slide scanner doesn’t have an infrared channel [done]
- Upload the results and put ’em online [finished today]
Everything is done! Pictures online finally. For the record, I’m not thrilled with them. My biggest complaint is that there aren’t really any good animal shots. This is different from prior years. I blame oversleeping.