Alkahest my heroes have always died at the end

December 11, 2006

i blame etselec

Filed under: Funny,Personal — cec @ 9:19 am

it’s probably not fair to blame etselec, but i do.

You scored as Friedrich Nietzsche. Well you’re an egotistical maniac, and you are so very iconoclastic that you probably are currently lost in a post-modern Jupiter, I mean jungle of self-definition. Don’t let it get you down though, someday, through a willful onslaught of reinterpretation of dated forms and ideas, you will strike on something that passes as remotely new, and people WILL be into it on the basis of how hip it is alone. Also, the average espresso drinker looks up to you.

Friedrich Nietzsche
Dante Alighieri
Miyamoto Musashi
Stephen Hawking
Jesus Christ
Sigmund Freud
Elvis Presley
O.J. Simpson
Hugh Hefner
Charles Manson
C.G. Jung
Mother Teresa
Steven Morrissey
Adolf Hitler

What Pseudo Historical Figure Best Suits You?
created with

You Belong in San Francisco
You crave an eclectic, urban environment. You’re half California, half NYC.
You’re open minded, tolerant, and secretly think you’re the best.
People may dismiss you as a hippie, but you’re also progressive, interesting, and rich!
Where Does Your Inner Californian Belong?

December 10, 2006

Setting up a Christmas tree

Filed under: Personal — cec @ 9:34 pm

One last comment on the day – K and I went out to get a Christmas tree this afternoon.  The place we usually go was just about out of trees.  In fact, they had run out, but spoke to another tree seller who hadn’t sold all of his trees yet and they bought a good chunk of his stock.  Even still, there were only five 7 foot trees, a bunch of 6 foot trees and an 8 foot tree.  Unfortunately, the only decent tree was the 8 foot one.  Fortunately, we’ve got high ceilings 🙂

Now, back when we used to get a Christmas tree at home, my father’s least favorite part of setting up was getting the tree in it’s stand and perpendicular.  For the past two years, that’s been my least favorite part too.  You climb under the tree, tighten some screws, have the tree fall over on you, stand it back up, loosen some screws, tighten others; repeat until it’s close enough and then have the tree fall over in the middle of the night.

This year, it finally (laugh all you want) occurred to me that the smart way to set the tree up is to leave it bound in it’s netting while putting it in the stand.  This works great.  No branches to climb under, it’s easy to tell if the tree is vertical, etc.  When done, bring it in the house and cut off the netting – perfect!

We’ll post pictures once it’s decorated.

looking on the bright side

Filed under: Personal,Plumbing — cec @ 8:48 pm

Turns out that there is at least one advantage of having constant plumbing problems – you often have the part you need. I had been noticing a leak under the kitchen sink. In checking it out, I found that the nut holding the drain in place was lose. As I tried to tighten it, the nut broke up in my hand.

Resigned to not having one of the dual kitchen sinks, I put a bucket under it and blocked it up. After dinner, we went on our walk and on the way back in, it occurred to me that I had a spare drain segment with a plastic nut. Installed the new nut and no more leak!

December 5, 2006

The Tragic Treasury

Filed under: Personal — cec @ 10:53 pm

Why didn’t someone tell me about this sooner? Daniel Handler (aka Lemony Snicket) and Stephin Merritt are the Gothic Archies who’s new CD is the Tragic Treasury: “Music for a Series of Unfortunate Events.”

For a sample, see Funtime OK (a mp3 blog), or Youtube:

YouTube Preview Image

My favorite so far is “Shipwrecked.”

November 27, 2006

Luke’s eating again!

Filed under: Personal,Wildlife Rehab — cec @ 10:54 pm

I hadn’t mentioned this, but it had been about 5 weeks since Luke (the boa) last ate.  For the first three weeks, I didn’t worry.  He had just shed, he’s a snake and it’s winter, etc.  By week 5, I was getting concerned.  Last Saturday, two days after finishing his cage, which upped the daytime temperature to ~80 degrees, he finally got interested in food.  Now he’s prowling the cage, looking for another rat.  🙂

November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving! [updated]

Filed under: Personal — cec @ 5:05 pm

I hope everyone’s having a good Thanksgiving. So far, ours has been great. K’s parents are in town which means: a) her father gets to see the house for the first time; b) we’ve got help cooking dinner; and c) we’ve got a reason to cook more food!

I started off the morning by (finally!) finishing the snake cage. I put the frames around the vents and put glass in about 3/4 of each vent (losing too much heat otherwise). I installed track lighting in the top and put two 75 watt grow bulbs in it. After they were on for an hour or so, the temperature rose to 81 degrees. Just about perfect. Eventually, we’ll replace the grow bulbs with heat lamps that produce no light, only heat; but for now, these are great. Luke’s basking right now and seems to be enjoying it.

We just finished dinner (did I mention more people == more food?). The menu was:

  • Turkey breast (for K’s father) and pecan crusted salmon for the rest of us
  • Cornbread stuffing with mushroom gravy
  • Walnut soup
  • Avocado, tomato and olive salad (no lettuce!) with a balsamic vinaigrette
  • Whole wheat rolls
  • Green beans with walnuts
  • Cranberry sauce

Dessert will be pecan pie. I tried something new with the pie – rather than using corn syrup, I used maple syrup. I’ll update later regarding that experiment.

I hope everyone’s enjoyed their Thanksgiving and have given a lot of thought to what they’re thankful for.

[Update: Using maple syrup in the pecan pie rather than corn syrup is a winner. I’m glad K ran across that idea.]

November 21, 2006

Still need to finish the snake cage

Filed under: Personal,Photography,Wildlife Rehab — cec @ 10:51 am

The snake’s been in the cage for a few months, but I’ve held off posting pictures until I finished the last little bit – the frames around the window.  But as pointed out in this comment, it would be good to get some pictures with Luke in his cage.  So, hopefully I’ll finish up the frames this week, while I’m away from the office, but in the meantime, here are some pictures:

img_1947_m.JPG   img_1977_m.JPG

The other thing I need to do to finish this is to work on the temperature problem.  With the large vents (that I plan to shrink up a bit with plexiglass) and the big front, it loses heat faster than the small heaters we’ve put in there will add it.  I think the next plan is to put in some track lighting along the back and then I can add several of the low heat lamps (that won’t burn the snake if he touches them).

things to be thankful for

Filed under: Personal — cec @ 10:17 am

K’s parents are in town and staying with us. Okay, that’s not a typical thing to be thankful for :-), but I like her parents and this gives me a great excuse to take most of this week off. I lost 54 minutes of vacation last month, I would like to avoid a repeat.

Hopefully, I can get caught up on a few things while I’m out of the office

November 15, 2006

Not a bad birthday at all…

Filed under: Personal — cec @ 10:58 pm

I took the day off for my birthday.  I got to sleep in late and get some things done around the house.  I managed, I think, to get rid of whatever was smelling up one of our air ducts, I tarred up part of the roof and repaired the fence where the dog kept getting out.  After that, I headed up for the Poindexter small group meeting and then his talk (more on these later).  On my way home, I picked up some take out from the local Mexican restaurant.  We ate dinner, made a cheesecake and walked the dogs.  I opened presents when I got back.  K got me a hand full of things I had wanted:  the Library of America Writings of Washington and the Writings of Thoreau, Jared Bernstein’s All Together Now: Common Sense for a Fair Economy, and the Pinky and the Brain DVD 🙂  Tim Powers’s On Stranger Tides is still being shipped.

All in all, a very good day.  Oh, and the obligatory picture of the birthday cheesecake:


/me grumbles

Filed under: Personal,Technical — cec @ 10:20 pm

bah – the past few nights, my website/blog keeps getting screwed up because all of the disk space on the drive is consumed.  the first night, i freed up some space, but didn’t pay attention to how much was free. it happened last night and again i freed up space, noting that i had about 700 MB free.  Tonight, it happened again and I finally tracked down what happened.  I do an rsync backup to an external drive every day.  A couple of days ago, I rebooted the machine and the external drive didn’t mount back up.  So I wound up doing a backup of my home directory and root partition to the root partition.  Of course the partition filled up.  Oh well, problem solved now.  I just need to be more careful in the future

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